My future job

 Hi everyone! This time I have to talk about my future job.

 Since I was young I really wanted to become a vet. I loved the idea of saving animals and rescue them. However, at the time little did I know that taking care of animals or pets was a process way more complicated that involves an important knowledge of science, specifically biology which is something that I hate haha. Well not really hate but I've never liked it that much to the point of being part of my dream job. In that case I choose Agriculture, which briefly and primarily it is based in the production of food. I hope I could work in the field of Agroecology which basically is a much sustainable and enviromental friendly option of production of food that preserves water, soil, and the environment. Replacing the use of pesticides and agrochemicals with greener or echologic options. I think this is very important nowadays due to the climate change and global contamination that we are living.

 Funny how I ended studying at the Agriculture faculty just beside the Veterinary faculty hahaha. At least I can still visit the tiny farm that separates both faculties so I could feed and pet the goats and sheep <3


  1. haha so you didn´t get to far from veterinary. I didn´t know that Agriculture was so cool. It´s sound like a great career! so interesting.

  2. I think it is important to worry about more sustainable food today, I'm happy for you.

  3. hahaha that´s quite ironic. Did you know both carrers were in the same faculty before getting in? About agroecology, I think is so nice you have that on mind because in my opinion agriculture practices should really get into a transition so they don´t envolve enviromental health in a bad way.


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