
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Changes to my study programme

 H ello everyone. Todays topic is about changes I would like to do on my study programme. I already mentioned in my previous blog that I’m an Agriculture student and I’m already finishing my third year of college. This career it's focused basically on the different agronomic managements and methods that are required for the development and growth of plants and animals with the main goal of producing food and other products. This career is composed of a huge variety of subjects due to the diverse fields you can choose such as agroclimatology, soils, different irrigation mechanisms, production of fruits and vegetables, pest management and control, production of alcohol such as wine or different kinds of liquor and so much more. Honestly I don’t really know that much about presential classes because I only went to the campus the first year of college. What I loved about this experience was that we were able to participate of field trips to “Rinconada de Maipú” or do different ac

Time travel in the future

Hi everyone! This time we have to write about a moment or time we would like to travel in the future. Personally I never liked the idea of traveling to the future or past. Maybe because of the way it’s presented in movies. Like moving or even touching a tiny object could change everything once you come back to the present haha. To me that’s very stressful and even scary. It may feel that way because I’m a very pessimistic person. I’m always thinking or imagining the worst case scenario.   I would rather stay with the uncertainty and find out about my future by living day by day. But if I really have to choose an especific moment I would probably like to know what happened with my studies. Like what tipe of field in Agriculture I choose or what my job is. Nowadays this is one of my biggest concerns. I´m always reading or thinking about what I want to work or focus in the future. Maybe it´s because of University and the different subjects we have to take related to what we want to st

My future job

  Hi everyone! This time I have to talk about my future job.  Since I was young I really wanted to become a vet. I loved the idea of saving animals and rescue them. However, at the time little did I know that taking care of animals or pets was a process way more complicated that involves an important knowledge of science, specifically biology which is something that I hate haha. Well not really hate but I've never liked it that much to the point of being part of my dream job. In that case I choose Agriculture, which briefly and primarily it is based in the production of food. I hope I could work in the field of Agroecology which basically is a much sustainable and enviromental friendly option of production of food that preserves water, soil, and the environment. Replacing the use of pesticides and agrochemicals with greener or echologic options. I think this is very important nowadays due to the climate change and global contamination that we are living.  Funny how I ended s